The Rainmakers as manager of TRM LLP series and operates financial information website
(therainmakers.com.my) offered by G Gen Labs SDN. BHD (Registration No: 202201016658 (1462355-A)). We
are not a broker-dealer or investment advisor. All investment related activity is conducted with the TRM
LLP series directly which compliance with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) under Limited Liability
Partnership Act 2012.
Not offer, solicitation or sale of any investment product
This communication/email/ information and the document(s) attached (if any) (collectively the
“Information”) are provided to you alone for discussion purposes only. This is not and does not constitute
or form part of any offer, recommendation, invitation or solicitation to purchase any financial product or
subscribe or enter any transaction. This is not intended to be an invitation or offer made to the public to
subscribe for any financial product or other transaction.
This Information has not been reviewed by Securities Commission Malaysia.
Such Information shall not constitute financial advice. We, The Rainmakers, do not undertake to be your
adviser by providing you with this Information. Therefore, we do not assume any fiduciary responsibility or
liability for any consequences, financial or otherwise, arising from any transaction in reliance on such
information. This Information does not take into account your personal circumstances, e.g. investment
objectives, financial situation or particular needs. You should consult your own independent financial,
accounting, tax, legal or other competent professional advisors.
Past performance
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Actual results may vary depending on the timing and
frequency of deposits / withdrawals. Future results may not meet our/ your expectations due to a variety
of economic, market and other factors. All figures and amounts stated are for illustration purposes only and
shall not bind us. Any quotations, comments, analysis, estimates, forecasts, opinions or other similar
information provided in this communication or otherwise, represents our judgment based on certain
assumptions and parameters as of the date indicated. Therefore, they may be subject to change without
notice and we give no warranty as to its accuracy, completeness or reliability.
Third party information
Information provided in relation to values of rental data, property market price and dividends are obtained
from third party resources as The Rainmakers may select from time to time. Where such information is
shared with you, do note that The Rainmakers is not responsible for errors or omissions in links from such
non-affiliated websites or other publicly available third party material provided.
International Use
The Company makes no promise that materials on the Website are appropriate or available for use in
locations outside of Malaysia and accessing the Website from territories where its contents are illegal or
unlawful is prohibited. If you choose to access the Website from locations outside of Malaysia, you do so on
your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.
For the avoidance of doubt, all Information and The Rainmaker’s dealings with you are subject to The
Rainmaker’s terms and conditions which are found here:
– Terms and Conditions of The Rainmakers Website
– Platform Agreement
– Privacy Policy
– Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy
– Risk Disclosure