How The Ooak Suites 001 Can Maximise Your Investment Returns?

Good property is not merely a functional building; it is a unique combination of features, amenities and benefits that makes it stand out from the others. The Rainmakers is committed to bringing you properties that are supreme in quality in every aspect, ensuring that your investment not only generates value but optimises its value! One such exemplary property currently available for investment is The Ooak Suites 001

What Makes Ooak Suites 001 Worthy of Fractional Investment?

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  • The service apartment boasts an excellent strategic location, with direct access to Kiara 163 Mall, offering residents lavish access to a host of retail and dining options.
  • Surrounded by amenities, including a connected mall, Publika and Solaris are just a 3-minute drive away.
  • The spacious 833 square feet of the units make them suitable for students, bachelors, young couples, and small families, making them a rentable magnet.
  • The units come furnished with modern fittings, air conditioning in all rooms, a water heater, and a fully furnished bathroom, making them readily rentable.

The Capital Appreciation Power of Ooak Suites 001

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One of the key deciding factors of any property is its appreciation value, and slow and steady always wins the race! Analysing the area’s 1-bedroom units’ 5-year historical data, we observed a gradual uptrend from RM 930.90 to RM 1,019.96 per square foot (psf).

This steady price momentum can instil confidence in investors, as the property is unlikely to experience drastic fluctuations that could negatively impact your valuable investment. Over time, The Ooak promises healthy appreciation at a steady growth rate, amplifying your hard-earned money.


The Rental Growth of Ooak Suites 001

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Your regular earnings from fractional investment stem from the property’s rental growth, and The Ooak Suites certainly delivers value in this department. Reviewing the rental trend of units similar to The Ooak Suites in Kiara, we observed that since 2020, the rental has rapidly grown from RM2.52 psf to a generous RM4.34 psf.

The Ooak Suites: A Done Deal for Investors

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The price trends, amenities, and features make The Ooak Suites a lucrative investment, but what tips the scale in its favour is the property’s projected revenue.

While the property has an average market value of RM975.43 psf, we are offering it to investors at 13% below market price, at RM 844.75 psf. As a result, you can enjoy a whopping 18.62% revenue in the very first year, followed by 5.02% revenue in subsequent years.

Where your money sitting idle in a bank account loses value due to inflation and the rising cost of goods and services, investing in a promising property like The Ooak Suites gives it a renewed boost every year. Investing your money wisely is better than letting it diminish in the bank and also offers better returns than any savings interest could.

Moreover, The Ooak Suites is offering a RM50 rebate to the first 100 newly registered accounts. Our suggestion? Don’t just take our information at face value. Explore its potential and discover the value the property holds for you. We are just a call away to tell you more about The Ooak Suites and how fractional investment can revolutionise your investment returns.

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